J.P. Moreland, known for his dualist view of the human soul, would likely explain the difference between realistic human-like programming and consciousness by focusing on the qualitative and metaphysical distinctions between simulated behavior and genuine subjective experience. Here’s how he might elaborate:
The Fundamental Distinction: Simulation vs. Experience
1. Programming Mimics, Consciousness Experiences
Programming, no matter how advanced, involves deterministic or probabilistic responses to inputs based on predefined or adaptive algorithms. It is fundamentally reactive and lacks self-awareness.
Consciousness, on the other hand, involves qualia—the subjective "what it is like" to experience something. For example, tasting a strawberry or feeling pain isn’t just about processing stimuli; it’s about experiencing them. A program can simulate responses to these inputs but cannot experience them because it lacks an inner, first-person perspective.
Illustration: A robot might react to a fire by "sensing heat" and "retreating" based on programming, but it doesn’t feel fear, pain, or urgency. These are qualities tied to consciousness and are inaccessible to purely material systems.
The Irreducibility of Consciousness
2. Human-like Programming is Functional, Not Ontological
A realistic AI program can functionally replicate human behavior—language, decision-making, even empathy—but this doesn’t mean it possesses the ontological reality of being conscious.
Consciousness is irreducible to physical processes. It arises from an immaterial soul and transcends the material brain. A machine, being purely material, cannot house or generate this immaterial reality.
Metaphor: AI is like a recording of a symphony—capturing the surface of the music but lacking the depth and experience of the musicians playing it.
Intentionality and Free Will
3. Programming Follows Instructions; Consciousness Chooses
Intentionality (the "aboutness" of thoughts) is a hallmark of consciousness. Humans can think about things, reflect on them, and make choices guided by free will.
Programming, even with neural networks, operates under rigid cause-and-effect rules. It cannot think about its own thinking or generate true intentionality. It may appear to "choose," but these are simulated decisions bound by pre-existing parameters.
Example: A chess-playing AI doesn’t "understand" the game; it follows probabilistic patterns to maximize outcomes. A conscious human player understands, strategizes, and feels the tension of the game.
The Soul and the Immaterial Basis of Consciousness
4. Consciousness is Tied to the Soul
Moreland would argue that consciousness is fundamentally tied to the existence of a soul, which is immaterial and given by God. This soul:
Accounts for personal identity over time (e.g., you are the same person now as you were as a child, despite physical changes).
Enables moral reasoning, love, creativity, and spiritual connection—qualities that no algorithm can emulate.
AI, being purely material, lacks this immaterial component. Without a soul, it can only mimic behaviors and cannot bridge the chasm between simulation and genuine experience.
Evidence from Human Experience
5. Near-Death Experiences and the Persistence of Consciousness
Moreland often points to phenomena like near-death experiences (NDEs) as evidence of the soul’s reality. These experiences suggest that consciousness persists even when brain activity ceases, further highlighting its immaterial nature.
A machine cannot have such experiences because it is wholly dependent on its physical components. When a machine is turned off, its "existence" ceases entirely.
Implication: AI may simulate life, but it will never live.
The Zombie Problem
6. Philosophical Zombies Highlight the Gap
Philosophical zombies are hypothetical beings that act exactly like humans but lack subjective experience. Moreland would argue that androids, no matter how advanced, are essentially "philosophical zombies."
They might pass a Turing Test, but their actions are hollow—mimicry without essence. Their convincing behavior underscores the unique depth of human consciousness rather than diminishing it.
Conclusion: Consciousness as Divine Evidence
Moreland would conclude that the gap between human-like programming and consciousness is unbridgeable because:
Consciousness arises from an immaterial soul.
Consciousness reflects the intentional design of a Creator.
Consciousness is the foundation of moral reasoning, creativity, and love—qualities machines can never possess.
Final Thought: The very existence of consciousness points to something beyond mere materiality. While AI may imitate human behavior, it cannot replicate the divine spark of life that is woven into the human soul. This distinction will forever separate man from machine.
