Have you ever watched a comedy program on TV and had someone explain to you why the content of a particular piece of humorous dialogue was flawed?
And, you look at them in interupted disbelief and say, "You know this is a comedy show, right?"
I've even found myself, in the middle of a show, trying to explain to this heavily left-brained person, "You know these are actors, which are just trying to be funny through bisociating or tying together two or more juxtaposed strings of thought or meaning and creating a funny concept."
But now it's not funny anymore.

Mike Burnette's latest novels include:
The Only Spaceship Closet in the Universe:
Amazon Kindle $7.99 and $12.99 Paper
Also, try my sci-fi thriller, PSYCHONIX: Mind Over Matter, praised by Gary Habermas and J.P. Moreland for it's fictional work on Near Death Experiences and Consciousness.
Amazon Kindle $9.99 and $20.99 Paper