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Witches and White Priviledge

Writer's picture: Mike BurnetteMike Burnette

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

The following are just a series of random thoughts that I was having today, in no particular order. I am still in a learning mode and not married to all my ideas. ~ Mike Burnette

Witches and White Privilege:

Witches were once believed to have rebuffed the Christian sacrament of baptism, so it was thought that water would “reject” them, forcing them to float to the surface like an inflatable pool toy — whereas, the innocent would sink helplessly to the depths below. So if they floated and lived they were guilty and would be killed. If they were innocent and sank they would die. There was no way out.

It’s in that same way “White Privilege” is determined by the godless leftists. If you admit to having it, then you’re a racist. If you deny "White Privilege" then you're an uninformed racist. Either way the leftists are trying to drown you as a racist with all the power and policy they can conjure. The equation goes like this: White Privilege was gained by the racist behaviors and ideology of your forefathers, therefore you're a racist and anything they established is racist. The entire American experiment and zeitgeist is racist, so the system needs to be dismantled and you need to be reindoctrinatied.

The first step, repeat after me: "There is no God and you're not made in His creative, loving, and just image. The only justice is what we create in our Marxist Heaven on Earth." "You only are as valueable as the power you bring to the fight." "You only live once, so long live humanist utopias." (which are unattainable by the way, and have destroy more lives than not because of the sinful human nature that theism acknowledges."

So, we (the leftists) need to cancel all people who don't agree with our natualistic or atheist worldview and burn the U.S. Constitution and tear down the statues of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln that were built on and rooted in Judeo-Christian values.

Don't be fooled. To the Alinsky leftists it doesn’t matter about the content of your character or beliefs; you have the wrong skin color. That sounds a lot like racism to me. I know that MLK Jr wouldn’t be happy with that outlook or the influence of the Neo-Marxist in trying to tear down our republic. * Interestingly enough, my experience has been that more white leftists females vocalize this issue than any African Americans I know. Just pay attention to who actually attacks this article and their worldview.

Nowadays, if you’re white and talk about your own historic poverty, struggles, and discrimination, then you’re an insensitive racist. If you came over, from Scotland, Ireland, or Italy, on a coffin boat with no money, then you have "White Privilege," even though you were greatly discriminated against when you arrived and had to struggle to feed your family.

If you're like me and your family were poor southern coal miners with little education or opportunities, then you're an ignorant and lazy racist too. If your family didn’t emigrate here until after slavery, you’re a lemming racist. You've perpetuated "White Privilege," so you're a racist. If you think ALL underserved communities should be given a leg up, regardless of skin color, then you’re clearly an unreasonable racist. This issue is only about skin color, not what's in your brain or what God given abilities you may have. Even if you've always fought against all forms of racism, then you're still a racist, because there's no escaping it.

You see, there is still racism somewhere in your heart and they, the leftists, through the power of the government, will cut it out. How else will we ever have our Marxist utopian of a Kingdom on Earth. You see they don't believe in the Kingdom of Heaven, so you must be forced somehow to comply. Forced through the godless power of might and influence in the governments and/or institutions. They're teachers were born out of the enlightenment. They include Voltaire, Rousseau, Diderot, Napoleon, Marx, Gramsci, Stalin, Moa, Dutschke, Marcuse, and Foucault. I've said much about this in other writings concerning the corruption and complicity of the state run churches and governments, which only started to poorly improve during the Reformation.

One of the things that I find completely absurd in the fact that people want to ascribe moral values to skin color and gender, instead of what they believe. When it could be said with certainty that if genders or colors of people can't be fair to other genders or colors, then we would have to stay segregated forever. We could never let a person of another gender or skin color hold any sway over anyone with a different skin color or gender. If you believe there is episodic racism, but not systemic racism, then you're a fool, because the laws were mostly written and enforced by people with white skin and couldn't be fair. It's an insane reasoning. Do you not see how ridiculous this becomes? The leftists are fiercely attacking and trying to divide us into tribes, so we're more easily manipulated and ultimately controlled by a governmental elite. That's Communism. That's what's been reasonable for endless deaths and misery. That's not the Christian way.

Christianity provides us a solid foundation for freedom, virtue, and faith. It lifted Pagan Europe out of its berserker rage until in the last one-hundred years many disastrously began to swallow the Nietzsche’s nihilism. One can sadly look at what we reaped from that worldview during the godless wars of the 20th Century. Christians have had to repent of evil behavior as well, however, they adjusted and judged their moral wrongs before God. For the godless leftist, there is no such standard to appeal to. They only have their Nietzschean "Will To Power."

When Christianity is lived out in our lives, communities, and governments it has mostly generated freedom, innovation, and prosperity beyond imagination. Democracy and Capitalism, left to their own devices, can easily devolve into angry mobs and greed, but tempered and tethered to the Christian message it is focused on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Ultimate happiness, of course, only found in God. Capitalism, properly balanced, has lifted more people out of poverty than any worldview or government in the history of the world. Does that make it perfect? No. Nothing run by man is perfect. However, if we untether God from our practices and beliefs, then we inevitably spiral down into the cesspool of what we’re seeing in our society now. We will have every man and woman looking out for himself, no unalienable rights, and not one nation under God.

The reparations issue has everyone buzzing, again. If you don't believe in reparations in the form of government checks, to the ancestors of slaves, then you're a racist. Do I believe that African-American are having a harder time of it than whites? Yes. They have been held back in visible and invisible ways. We can't ignore that. We must love our fellow man and create better opportunities for education and job success. Do we just hand out money? No, that is stupid. Build better incentives, programs, and policies that really work and lift underserved communities up.

We do our best to support poor families and provide resources. We focus on issues such as lack of education or employment opportunities. We take serious looks at criminal justice and ensure that it's as fair as we can possibly make it, and we challenge and correct bad behaviors regardless of where they come from. We police the streets of Chicago, New York, and LA better, and stop the gangs. We do our best to make sure that inner-city children have a fighting chance to go to school safely and do their homework. We provide poor children paper, pencils, and shoes if we have to. It's a lot better than paying for prisons. Let's also watch out for what the leftist politician and teachers unions are doing with their budgets. Nearly $25,000 a child, per year, is spent on education in our country. $100,000 during high school regardless of your gender or race. That's enough to go to a pretty decent college. Why are our children failing? Is it the government, the school, the family, or the child? You'll have to answer that for your circumstance.

It seems that Asians and Nigerians who come to America are doing really well, why? The answer is obvious. They are educated, work hard, and most of them have nuclear families. It's not a guarantor of success, but the odds are a lot better for you. It's a fact that many people, from more than 30 African nations, came to the U.S.A. after 1865, because it still offered and offers more freedom and opportunities than the rest of world.

So, if we're going to have reparations, then we've got to figure out who was actually a descendant of slaves----that will include many white European, Indian, Asian, and Hispanic people, even if they have a drop of African blood. It might be good business for, but its nonsense, we can't do it. I'm telling that no checks will be sent, because it will stir up a mountain of animosity and it won't stop. Everyone will put their hand out until our nation crashes. As a nation we can't afford to tax everyone more, become an even larger welfare state. We've got to become a, we all care state.

You see, according to the leftists, even if your Northern family members were abolitionists or died in the Civil War and lost money and land fighting against slavery, then you're still a racist, because moral progress didn't happen fast enough. Mind you they have no objective moral foundation, they merely use a religious vocabulary.

If you're family always thought racism was wrong for religious reason, it doesn't matter, because the godless leftists don’t care about morality, only raw power, and well again, your white and racism is still happening. If you think racism, in all its forms is evil, then you’re also still a racist because there are still disgusting racists among us. You can't escape their reasoning, mainly, because it's absurd.

As a Christian I believe that Act 17:26 is true and that we are all of one blood. We are all made in the image of God. I can't pay for my sins, neither can I pay for the sins of my forefathers. I believe in repentance, forgiveness, and moral improvement. I believe that we should love our neighbor as ourselves and never, ever, tolerate injustice or discrimination anywhere, from anyone, or in any form.

African Americans have not had an easy road to travel and they were abused. Their ancestors were greatly wronged. So were the Native Americans and Chinese on the railroads. There's not enough money in the world to fix that, but we ought to work toward just and fair policies now that lift ALL Americans up, while not trying to hold others down. It's counterproductive to penalize anyone's advancement. It's an imperfect analogy, but it would be like saying Tom Brady had to throw with his left hand until the Cleveland Brown's can get an equally good quarterback. It's wrong. You don't penalize Tom Brady because of his successes. You work on ways to give the Browns a fighting chance like moving them up in the draft selection. Now we've created a system that continuously works to build teams up with destroying anyone.

Frederick Douglas and Martin Luther King, Jr. believed in the freedoms inscribed on the U.S Constitution. They challenged us to live up to the "Promissory Note." That's key. "ONE NATION, UNDER GOD..." We must renew our covenant/ promise to each other every day or we will inevitably succumb to the totalitarian evils of Neo-Marxism.

As an older white gentleman, let me pass on some wisdom. You only shut down conversations and make people angry and defensive when you start out by wrongly categorizing and accusing them of "White Privilege," or "Racism." Ask questions. Clarify and find out what really happening and do your best to repair the situation. Be honest, appropriate, respectful, and direct with all people.

It's often said to "Think outside the box." Well folks, if we're going to survive together, then we've got to start thinking inside the melatonin. None of us look alike, thank God, but that's where we're the same. We are of one blood. We are of one God. We are of one nation. You are made in the image of God and you are valuable. My blessings come from God. I am valuable and it has nothing to do with my skin color. If someone judges you by that standard, then yes, they're definitely a racist. They need to be called out at every turn. But, I also firmly believe that regardless of the few imbecilic racist among us, if you work hard, stay in school, and stay married, it will greatly increases your chances of success and ability to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. I'm on your side and rooting for God's will in your life.

African Americans, Native Americans, Japanese, Jews, Chinese and even us white hillbillies have been mistreated and discriminated against personally and by the government. I believe as Americans that we don't need handouts, but just need acknowledgement, and opportunities for education and jobs. We have to work together, and not as tribes, to fix problems. Those who have the means should voluntarily give of their money and time to build better relationships before God and each other. That always happens person to person and family to family. It happens in our churches, but mostly in our hearts.

No government program or law will ever be able to forgive sins, much less sustain the brotherly love taught by Christ.

Any disrespectful comments will be deleted and the person blocked.

Mike Burnette is a retired Senior Master Sergeant, United States Air Forces and author of two novels:

The Only Spaceship Closet in the Universe

Amazon Kindle $7.99 and $12.99 Paper

Also, try Mike Burnette's sci-fi thriller, PSYCHONIX: Mind Over Matter, praised by Gary Habermas and J.P. Moreland for it's fictional work on consciousness.

Amazon Kindle $9.99 and $20.99 Paper



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