For some of my newest friends, let me tell you a little about myself. I was born in Richlands, Virginia. I'm a 20 year military brat and retired 26 year Senior Master Sergeant, USAF, having lived in 10 states and served in 10 countries as a broadcaster with American Forces Radio & Television. I mostly produced morning radio shows like "Good Morning Vietnam." So, I'm pretty good at running my mouth, but not a terrific speller.
I've been married for 39 years, have two adult children and a grandson. I have a graduate degree from University of Maryland, European Campus. I mostly took classes while stationed in Italy and two classes at Cal State San Bernardino. I have an undergraduate degree from Liberty University, Telecommunications, and an associate degree from the USAF, Public Relations. I've taken nearly every senior leadership and Public Affairs course the military and government offers, and even picked up a black belt in Lean Six Sigma.
I love downhill skiing, reading, and I speak fair German. I can order at restaurants and get directions in Italian, and I'm a professional at enjoying myself and smiling most anywhere I go. That has been put to the test in Iraq and Afghanistan.
I'm pretty good at table-top Fussball, love playing soccer/Fussball, and really enjoy American football. I played tightend and linebacker in little league and high school and I'm a black belt in Karate. I've mostly followed the Redskins or whatever they're called this year, but I follow players more than teams. I have a collection of jerseys from Riggins, Tarkenton, Csonka, and Lambert.
I currently serve as a Public Affairs Officer for the Defense Media Activity, Department of Defense. I love what I do and started writing novels to exercise my creative talents and serve God. Theological books are extremely valuable, but stories like mine will live forever in your imagination. I hope you'll enjoy treasure them like do and share them with a friend.
Blessings in Christ!
Mike Burnette

The Only Spaceship Closet in the Universe:
Amazon Kindle $2.99 and $12.99 Paper
Also, try my sci-fi thriller, PSYCHONIX: Mind Over Matter, praised by Gary Habermas and J.P. Moreland for it's fictional work on Near Death Experiences and Consciousness.
Amazon Kindle $2.99 and $20.99 Paper