I think the Founding Fathers of America were very wise. They put the right to bear arms in the Constitution because they knew that a government could become either powerful or weak and that the citizens’ last defense is the ability to bear arms to protect themselves against tyranny and criminals. The guns are not just for sports, hunting, and collecting; it is our fundamental right to bear arms and use them for our self-defense. We won’t submit our control to the government—they work for the people. They WON'T get our guns, AR-15's, or otherwise, back, so look for other ways. It would become worse than prohibition if the government tried. Once the government starts, they will want my Desert Eagle, Glock 17, and Smith & Wessons and kitchen knifes that are just as deadly, if not more that an AR-15.
Once you cross the evil line of tyranny it requires a lot of blood to reestablish freedom. If that’s uniquely American culture then thank God for those who died protecting our independence! I just wish Democrats, in office, would stop deceiving people and using it to collect votes from the uniformed sheeple.
I will teach my children and grandchildren to be responsible gun owners and understand their American rights. They will know that assault rifles are illegal already. I will teach them exactly what I'm saying here, give them training, and take them to the range. The liberal news consistently misinforms people is the first thing I'd tell my family and that AR-15s are a semi-automatic, or self-loading rifle that has been called "America's rifle" by the NRA with well over 15 million sold by 2019. "Semi-automatic," as opposed to "automatic," means that the weapon's operator must pull the trigger to fire each shot. Like any gun. The rifle then automatically reloads. Like any gun. An automatic weapon continues to fire as long as you hold down the trigger, and is (mostly) banned in the U.S.
I was recently reminded of what Thomas Jefferson said in a letter he wrote in 1787. "And what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right …The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure."
I want gun violence stopped too, but I don't want the government trying to impose absurd polices every election season. So, why are progressive LIBERALS only picking on AR-15's? It's either ignorance or an agenda to disarm you. One thing for sure gun sales skyrocket EVERYTIME they bring it up. So, in part they are responsible for the thriving market.
- The Glock 17 has a cyclic rate of about 800 (RPM), if you could shot it that fast. You can't. - Now you could shoot faster with two pistols: The DUAL GLOCK 17 RAPID FIRE 120 ROUNDS IN 5 SECONDS! 1320 (RPM). Again if you were super human. You'll still get off more rounds than an AR-15. - Glock 18: 1,100–1,200 (RPM). You get it. - What about a .50 cal? You can buy those too. - Colt AR-15 fires 23 (RPM). This is the one liberals focus on, because they don't know the difference between Assault and Semi-automatic.
Can an AR-15 shoot 150 rounds in 15 seconds? LoL. Like the one any citizen allowed to own a gun can buy at a local gun shop? The answer is not only “no”, but “HELL NO.” Because they don't shoot themselves, 150 rounds in 15 seconds is 600 in one minute.
The AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle. That means the firer has to pull the trigger once for each shot and allow the trigger to travel forward to reset between shots. With a little practice, a competent shooter can empty a 30-round magazine in 10–12 seconds, but if he is shooting aimed shots, it will take 15 seconds to shoot half that many. If he has loaded magazines laid out and ready to insert into the rifle, it takes a minimum of 2 seconds to change magazines; most shooters with weekend range experience would need more like 5 seconds.
The cyclic rate of fire for the M-16, (ASSAULT RIFLE) meaning how fast it can physically shoot given full automatic capability and an unlimited source of ammunition, is in fact 600 rounds per minute. They are illegal. Should we have background checks, and training classes? Yes, I believe we should. And we need a better moral compass in America too that calls out people with troubling social media and public claims/plans to kill or have killed someone. Guns don't kill people, people kill people with guns, knifes, rocks, and whatever they can strike someone with--and there are usually warning signs for imbalanced people.
