THEOLOGICAL ACADEMICS is seriously important, but we shouldn't forget that there are many creatives decorating the path, making it easier for others to follow. Just look at the ornate library below and the enchanting halls where debates occur. As Francis Schaeffer warned; we must not ignore the philosophical influence on cultural endeavors; art, music, and literature, nor should we neglect the support of those artists and writers communicating the substantive ideas imaginatively.
The shift in truth affects men's lives, starting with philosophy and ending with theology... with art, music, and general culture in between. Each affects the other. Which direction are we headed? Well, folks like William Lane Craig, J.P. Moreland, John Lennox, Alister McGrath, Craig Keener N.T. Wright, Alvin Plantinga, Michael Ward, Michael Licona, Tim Stratton, Kirk MacGregor David Baggett, Marybeth Davis Baggett, Leo Percer, Brian Chilton, Paul Copan, Holly Orway, Douglas Groothuis, MaryJo Sharp, Greg Koukl, Nancy Pearcey, Frank Turek, and a ton of other brilliant minds are leading us above the line of despair with their thorough research and public presence. I’m pulling for them and with them as I speak, blog, and write novels.
