I'm re-studying the Soul, Near-Death Experiences, and Pantheism for an upcoming episode of "The Real Squabble" October 5th @1100 EST with Dr. Gary Habermas. So, you'll see me posting related info for the next couple months.
After digging in for a couple weeks, I'm starting to think there's little to no LOGIC placed within the worldview of Pantheism. First impressions. But, that is understandable given this quote from Zen Buddhist D.T. Suzuki, “To comprehend life we must abandon logic” (Suzuki, 58). Of course, he used LOGIC in his affirmation and applies it to reality. The law of noncontradiction (A cannot both be A and not-A) cannot be denied without first using it in the very denial. Therefore, to deny that logic applies to reality, one must not make a logical statement about reality. But then how will the position be defended? They don’t. Hmm, I'm still reading and listening and learning.
I can make perfectly logical sense out of the Soul and NDEs, but truthfully, I'm reading a ton of things related to it in the Pantheism held by most Hindus, many Buddhists, and other New Age religions that doesn't tell me anything except to "eliminate desire," (which is a desire by the way) and "become my best self." Is that what my mom or wife or the Force wants for me? Because, I sure the heck don't know what the best version of me is or means. If you do text me at 555-9311
The Pantheists or New Agers give no good reasons for believing what they say, if anything. What I have found with nearly 50 on-line articles and YouTube videos is that they don't reveal much of anything about their beliefs or foundations. They don't overtly reveal anything about why you should believe it or what convinced them in the first place. If they have a superior worldview, then I'd REALLY like to hear it.
