I find the theological framework of Molinism to be extremely eye-opening while studying about the nature of God and His creative decrees--making us and the world we all live in. I believe that it provides us a better, harmonized view of God's sovereignty, providence, and libertarian freedom. Especially when they're necessarily considered alongside His omnibenevelent nature (moral perfection). I am a mere layman, but can't fathom how true love could even exist without measuring it against God's perfect moral nature.
Some Reformed Christians like to say that Molinism is only a philosophical idea, but that's an untrue talking point. One could look at I Samuel 23:7-15, Jeremiah 38:17-18, Deut. 18:22, Isa 38:1-5, Amos 7:1-6, Jonah 3:1-10, John 1:22-24, John 18:36, and Matt 26:25 as a few examples of God's middle knowledge. I believe Molinism truly provides us a clearer understanding of predestination, ordination, election, and creation that doesn't do damage to God's perfect nature like I believe Calvinism does. Mind you I have many Calvinist brother and sisters I love and respect who don't believe as I do, even one of my earliest guides in clear thinking, Francis Schaeffer. I find the works of him and many of today's preachers extremely valuable and praise their envangelistic outreach. Although, I don't believe that their evangelistic actions match their theological rhetoric at all.
Molinism was presented during the Reformation by Luis de Molina, who had the Spanish Inquisition unleashed upon him in 1591 and was nearly declared a heretic and burned at the stake for his theology. Molinism is now considered one of the four principal views on divine providence and omniscience, alongside Calvinism, open theism, and simple foreknowledge. Kirk MacGregor, Louis de Molina
In this framework "God doesn't acquire knowledge of the world by anything like perception. His knowledge of the future is not based on his "looking" ahead and "seeing" what lies in the future. Rather, God's knowledge is self-contained; it is more like a mind's knowledge of innate ideas. It (the world we live in) is based wholly in God's middle knowledge (of counterfactuals) and knowledge of his own decree." William Lane Craig, Four Views of Divine Providence
"If we take the biblical word "foreknowledge" to encompass middle knowledge, then we can make perfect sense of God's providential control over a world of free agents. For via his middle knowledge, God knew exactly which persons, IF in Jerusalem, would freely demand Christ's death..." William Lane Craig, Four Views of Divine Providence "Knowing all the possible circumstances, persons, and permutations of these, God decreed to create just those circumstances and just those people who would FREELY do what God willed to happen." William Lane Craig, Four Views of Divine Providence
Also read: The Only Wise God, William Lane Craig
Human Freedom, Divine Knowledge, and Mere Molinism: A Biblical, Historical, Theological, and Philosophical Analysis, Tim Stratton
