World opinion — at least liberal world opinion — has already turned against Israel … and the more dead civilians in Gaza the more hatred will be aimed at Israel. But journalists need to point out — not just parenthetically, in passing — that Hamas hides behind civilians — and had Hamas not slaughtered Israelis on October 7, Israel wouldn’t be in Gaza. It’s called “context” — which is in short supply. The so-called violent Nakba in Gaza happened for one of the same reasons it did in 1948 and 1967. The nation of Israel was attacked.
Some Jews may have done to the Arabs what Colonialists/Americans did to Native Americans and slaves. And Arabs slaughtered Arabs, Jews, and Christians too. And it was a different time in history when the conquest of war was the norm. It shaped tribes, Kingdoms, and Governments. We claim to be more civilized and moral in how we go about dealing with nations today. America has had a Declaration of Independence and guiding U.S. Constitution as a moral North Star. For the time-being, under God, it continues to right or attempts to right the ship through imperfect people.
Are all hands always clean? No, never, not in any nation, people, or tribe. Not in America, Africa, Europe, Asia, not in the many Indian tribes, etc.. Jews have always lived in the land and exiled from the land, and it was the Arabs who attacked the Jews, not visa-versa. Babylon attacks the Jews, the Romans attacked the Jews, Muslim Arabs attacked the Jews, and modern fanatical Muslin Arabs have attacked the Jews. The law wasn’t done away with, it was fulfilled. The promises remain true. In Genesis 17:8, God reiterates the promise to Abraham, adding that the land gift is irrevocable: “The whole land of Canaan, where you now reside as a foreigner, I will give as an EVERLASTING possession to you and your descendants after you.” That being said, even without a religious consideration the land has belonged to Israel as a nation since 1948 as a consequence of war and a unanimous UN declaration.
