It seems that whenever I state an opinion or belief on Facebook or other social media, humorously or not, that I trigger at least one person who wants to debate or call me out for it. To accuse me of being stupid, insensitive, hateful, or something-phobic. They really want to nail down these issues----on Facebook. Really? Who has time for that? Sometimes I respond, but more often than not I just let it lie. Often it starts with questions that anyone with a developing brain could Google the answer to, or think of this, read from an actual expert in a book. Nope, memes and shallowness reign supreme in Facebookland.
To me it's usually philosophically misguided and they don't believe that I, as a Christian, am allowed to use satire or any form of humor to mock or point out views that I find dopey or completely absurd, like every comedy show on the planet does. Certainly mainstream comedy isn't Mike Burnette's guiding star? No, not at all, but they use some effective communication strategies that are worth studying. But not in this article.
I'm certain that God loves humor. Just look in the mirror. Seriously folks, I'll be here all night. I believe that God loves humor, because, when appropriately applied, it reflects His creativity in us. There are many passage I could go into. Here are two: "A cheerful heart is a good medicine"—Proverbs 17:22 and Ecclesiates 3:4: "A time to weep and a time to laugh..." And, I nearly did a spit-take when I read this in Chronicles: “Jehoram was thirty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years. He passed away, to no one’s regret..." It's an interesting and humorous editorial.
Apparently my sense of humor was supposed to have been washed off when they baptized me. Perhaps they didn't lower me into the water far enough. For whatever reason, it didn't wash off and you're stuck with me. If you only knew half of the things that I think and never say. Yup, I'm just like you.
Jesus used some pretty stern words to call out false teachers. But, if he appeared today I'm sure he'd cut a "Whaddo You Meme" video or write a Babylon Bee article. I can't say for sure, it's just humorous speculation. Regardless, let me go on record, as a Christ follower, that I've never referred to anyone as a serpent, viper, dead men’s bones, or whitewashed grave. Nope, not even one article or parody about that.
Although, within the range of using humor I have crossed the line and been inadvertently insensitive at times. It happens sometimes when you're trying to be creative. Usually it happens while I'm searching for the funniest punchline instead of listening to the person. I make mistakes. Yeah, I'm bad. I usually apologize. As a young radio DJ, it used to get me in hot water with my wife. It's not prudent to exercise your quick-witted talents with your bride, just say'n fellas.
Listen, there are real insensitivities, hatefulness, and phobias in the world. I don't think that we should ever use humor to intentionally hurt or destroy people. That's off the table. But I will always use it to highlight and influence issues that matter to me. Yep, I'll keep doing that.
Also, let's be very clear, taking a slightly or completely different position on a particular political, religious, or social issue has nothing logically to do with being a phobe or hater. It's okay to have your own thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. All of us have adjustable thoughts, ideas, and beliefs that are different from our friends and family. It doesn't mean, and it has never meant, that you hate them. It only means that you're human, your searching for the truth, and have a mind of your own.

Mike Burnette's latest novels include:
The Only Spaceship Closet in the Universe:
Amazon Kindle $7.99 and $12.99 Paper
Also, try my sci-fi thriller, PSYCHONIX: Mind Over Matter, praised by Gary Habermas and J.P. Moreland for it's fictional work on Near Death Experiences and Consciousness.
Amazon Kindle $9.99 and $20.99 Paper