I am only weeks away from my first walk in the land of promise. The research and plans for the journey to Israel are already making my deeper dives into Bible study come more alive. There's nothing more daunting, beautiful, and satisfying as learning more about God's love for Israel, His character, and his unchanging love us all.
Anti-Semitic hatred didn't pass away with the Crusades, Hitler, or Arab and Muslim persecution. We still see it with Louis Farrakhan, the KKK and some organizations affiliated with Black Lives Matter have expressed anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian sentiments that some Jewish groups view as anti-Semitic.
Sin runs deep in our world. Politicians and political groups will never bring the true healing to humanity, and allow us all, including the people of Israel, to live in freedom, peace, and security.
@IsraelCollective Christians United for Israel (CUFI)
Christians United for Israel (CUFI)
