BM: Mike why don't you just shut up talking about God and Jesus and all that "religious" stuff. You just go on and on and on.
GM: Well, okay, I know I can be annoying sometimes. After all I'm an old radio broadcaster and have never had much trouble with a monologue or talking until the other person relents. :o. Just ask my friends. Here's the thing--if they found a CURE FOR CANCER I'd be jumping up and down, and posting it and yelling it everywhere. I'd tell you about it.
BM: So would I.
GD: Great! When you believe you know something and you care for others, you want to tell them. I believe God has spoken to us in history, creation, and the Scripture.
BM: But you're annoying.
GM: I try not to be.
BM: You're always cramming your beliefs down my throat.
GM: I share, but I always try to respect you. Can I ask you a question?
BM: If you must. I need to be going.
GM: Wouldn't it be strange if someone said "That's great you have the cure for cancer, but I don’t have time to go to the hospital, see a doctor, or look into such things. YOLO. Besides there have been other claims and, well, you could be lying or conning me.”
BM: Well you only live once.
GM: I believe you actually live forever. YOLF! It doesn't sound as cool but it's true. There have been millions of near death experiences and the evidence for God and the Bible is overwhelming. We will live with or without God.
BM: Yeah, but religions are all fundamentally the same.
GM: No they're all fundamentally different and superficially the same.
BM: I've thought it through and will take my chances.
GM: Then I won't mention it again unless you ask me or make a quasi-religious comment to me.
BM: Whatever.
GM: I like to focus on what I can know--and there's a lot we know when it comes to God.
BM: It's irrational. There’s no sky god who’s going to come down and fix things. Trust the science my friend!
GM: Oh, I trust real science. But it sounds like you would rather trust a brain that was created from nothing and formed by unguided random processes.
BM: Yup.
GM: Good luck. But one last thing--God loves you and He's been trying to communicate with you your entire life through your conscience, creation, and in Christ. The good and bad thing is that you can accept and reject it all.
BM: I don't want it and I don’t need it.
GM: We all need it. There's a rescue attempt going on right now and God wants to save us all. That's why I talk so much about Jesus.
