There is a place for both contemplation and enjoyment. I rather enjoy C.S. Lewis' explanation from Meditation in a Toolshed, the idea of seeing the sunbeam and also seeing by it. You see, because I'm quite contemplative, I'm highly drawn to Christian theology and apologetics. I deeply desire to understand and communicate what I believe--although I'm a mere novice. I like to ruminate on a thought. You might think it would bog one down, but not so in my case. In many ways it has opened my creative aperture wider than ever.
I would say that theology and apologetics isn't for everyone, but it is. You see, education has always been for everyone. It gives you the things you need in order to develop in an orderly, sequential way through a field of knowledge. But, you must always begin at the beginning. You wouldn’t be expected to understand Calculus without the prerequisite comfort of algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Neither would you be expected to understand Thomas Aquinas or Alvin Plantinga without, at a minimum, having read some introductory philosophy and theology.
If elementary school reading teachers got together and only discussed reading amongst themselves, then I'm sure it would prove to be quite interesting for them, but most unenlightening to the children they taught. However, after they taught the alphabet, vocabulary words, and handed them a book, a new world of imagination and adventure would be opened. Who knows, there may even be an Isaac Newton, Einstein, Maria Curie, Charles Dickens, Jane Austin, or C.S. Lewis among them?
Learning is important, but, so is doing. That is one reason I began to write fiction. I hope that you'll pick up one or both of my books and enjoy it. If it helps you to contemplate something outside of yourself, then we've both succeeded.
You can buy PSYCHONIX: Mind Over Matter on Kindle for just $9.99 or $21.99 paperback.
The Only Spaceship Closet in the Universe $7.99 Kindle and $12.99 paperback.
