STUPID THINKING HURTS AMERICAN JOBS! We can't slow and stop our U.S. oil production and demand other countries to pump more for us. How does it help the planet to get others to do what we won't do for ourselves. Not smart. Let's do it at the same rate as China and India. Maybe Biden has finally made a smart decision.
The oil and gas producers stand ready to help the Biden administration meet the challenge but insist that world cannot address climate change without being realistic about growing global energy demand. To ensure we have a stable and affordable supply of energy here in the United States, the Biden Administration should support the domestic production of oil and natural gas, ensure the continued production on federal land, work with the industry on sensible and smart methane regulations, and stop calling for higher taxes on the American oil and gas industry. Stopping pipelines, slowing permitting, raising taxes, and increasing regulatory burdens will only drive-up costs, and hurt American jobs.
