Mike my bottom line up front is that I believe that all human life is valuable, because we are made in the image of God. All of us. Even the unborn child. That guides the respect and dignity we give everyone under God's heaven. Every person. I find it interesting that someone else in this post accused me of "hiding behind God," as though they possessed some superior knowledge or foundation of morality, that they never shared we me. It was a silly or as you say "asshat" response. Even science tells us that an unborn child is a human life with all the human components in its DNA. The Christian message is that we are all sinners, and in need of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He is our Creator. He is the necessary, uncaused, transcendent, spaceless, timeless, immensely powerful, and personal Creator that I call God. He is the highest concept we can think of, and I believe that Judeo-Christianity reveals the reality of that God in His richest form. I believe that the answers in Christianity offer the best explanations to reality; the greatest explanatory scope, explanatory power, plausibility, less ad hoc, etc. When one knows something, they can always say they might be wrong. But I don't believe I am. I have a lot of reasons for believing; the beginning of the universe, fine-tuning, objective morality, the resurrection, and personal experience. I do know logically that without an objective standard for good, there is no objective standard for evil. It is merely a subjective, social construct tossed by the wind. Much like it is now in the Post-Modern world we live in which redefines words and devalues life. As as Christian I believe that God and His revelation are revealed in conscience, Christ, and creation. That is what ultimately binds reality, and is the standard upon which Truth is measured. I have adequate reasons for knowing that, and I express in my writings continuously. Part of my belief system is loving God with all my heart and my neighbor as myself. That means being honest before God first, and then man. I'm not perfect, but honestly try to live to these standards that I truly believe. It doesn't make me unsympathetic or less uncompassionate or have hate towards abortionists, but greatly saddens me when I see such tremendous evil. God is the only one who can ultimately judge us, and offers us all grace and redemption. I too am for love and grace as a Christian, but grace doesn't mean going against His revealed Word; duties and responsibilities. I try to love everyone, every human life, and live as honestly before God as possible. I am not a judge, although I can evaluate each person, just like we all are as we engage each other on social media. I am not anyone's judge, but will speak out and vote for politicians and judges who I think are more closely aligned to what I believe. We all do that. I know the courts are perfect, and certainly know they've become political. They've kept Roe v Wade alive through shear politics for 50 years. It's a shame. But we have to go with what we've got and work to fix it. I am totally pro-life, but that doesn't mean I'm cold-hearted. I think we should help the mothers and provide care, and more adoption services--like the church does now. I believe in a pluralistic society we could pass legislation for cases of rape, incest, and a threat to the life of the mother. But we must acknowledge that it's still another life that's being killed. I think all life is precious too, and that we should work to protect it.
