I'm not a Republican, and I don't watch Fox News any more than I do CNN, CBS, or ABC. NBC mostly makes me want to vomit in any of its forms. I see most news channels these days as partisan voices reading talking points from their elite bosses and sources. That's why they say almost the identical things these days.
To inform myself, I mostly read, and research who the subject matter experts are in a given area, and try to read countervailing opinions. I think I'm pretty tuned-in and balanced. I do know when information and politics doesn't hold water for my values. I like to hear people who challenge my thinking. It makes me better. But, even when I agree with someone, I don't like to hear incessant ideologues. I get it. I believe what I believe, and you do too. You're as biased as I am. The trick is to account for it and continue to read, listen, listen some more, speak slowly (I'm not great at that), and as a friend recently reminded me smile a lot. History, philosophy, and current news is fun for me, so I may work at a different speak than you. Just remember not to be so obsessive or pedantic that you're always primed for a fight...like me!
