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13 Lucky Beta Readers

Writer's picture: Mike BurnetteMike Burnette

Updated: Sep 16, 2020

It's already a "Multiple Dozens-Seller," so bring on the New York Times Bestseller list friends. You alone can push me up the charts with each and every purchase at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, and the dozen other outlets where you can search: PSYCHONIX: Mind Over Matter.

As I developed my debut novel 13 people agreed to be beta-readers for my first-ever apologetics-based psychological suspense--including my wife Sherri. And, they were all brutally honest. Don't do this. Do more of that. Why did you say that? No one will understand that. What's this mean? This is way too complicated or it doesn't make sense. Where did you learn to spell?

So, I wrote and rewrote for two years. It became like my own child as I studied and crafted the intimate story. Intimate because I drew from and fictionalized large portions of my life, which over time made the criticism more deeply personal. I spent a lot of time developing the novel, however, I always tried to stay open-minded...even when I complained profusely to my primary editors about strong differences of opinion. Every beta-reader's opinion made me ponder and reconsider what I had written. That's challenging when you have 13 people with opposite opinion and you're trying to write a 600 page novel that makes perfectly good sense (in my mind), is spelled correctly, and accounts for hundreds of pieces of continuity.

When I had conflicting opinions I prayed and asked my wife what she thought. Sometimes she said, "If you want Christians to read this, then you better take those words out." Okay, I get it. Be real, but target your audience. Too much violence, science, and religon for some and too nostaligic and hokey for others. One person told me that my novel was too idealized, academic, and stereo- typically Christian. I wasn't sure how to respond to that since much of what I had written came from my own life experiences. Okay, I'm "Overly Academic and Hokey." I'll put that on my my tombstone.

There were parts that I labored long and hard to harmonize after getting feedback. And, there were highly academic parts that I wrestled with to make more readable and relatable, since it was an important part about how we communicate. It ain't easy. In the end I took it all into consideration and went with my gut. I think you'll like it.

Some said the mind-body/apologetics material was too difficult for a novel (obviously not Tom Clancy readers) and some said it needed to be two different books. All of the beta-readers disagreed on one point or another, so in the end I went with my instincts and told the story that I wanted to read. I like the story about Colonel Steven Scott and his stepbrother Mark who struggled together through childhood, one becoming a soldier and the other a neurosurgeon. I enjoyed the parts about PSYCHON radiation and espinage and the parts about Senator Croxon and the little girl from Southwestern Virginia. The relationships in this novel are crucial to undertandng the meaning of the story and our destiny. To me it fits together as part of the story of home, healing, and message of hope that is really being communicated to us.

13 beta-readers. Three said that the novel should be a movie and ten said I should look for another vocation (not really), perhaps something more productive like ditch digging. I'm just not sure how 10 people could be so wrong! One thing is for sure, If you like the well-told and researched stories of Tom Clancy, David Baldacci, John Grisham, or Lee Child, then you'll like my work. If any of these guys tried to write an apologetics-based psychological suspense, then PSYCHONIX: Mind Over Matter would be the final product. While writing, I read and listened to everything I could get my hands on concerning the mind-body problem and the emergence of consciousness. Yet, it's still a heartwarming nostalgic story of friends and family who are healing and searching for hope.

The beta-readers included my adult son, 1 lawyer, 1 SWAT Police Officer, 1 famous song writer/pastor, 3 teachers, 2 media consultants, pastor, director of apologetics PhD program, director of psychology, and Dr. J.P. Moreland who is a Super Genius. Thank you all! You greatly impacted the writing.

It's tough for me to pin a label on what I see as a completely new type of apologetics novel that blends psychology and religion. You could call it a neuro-theological story about consciousness. Not always an easy read, but worth it to learn about two step-brothers surviving life and learning to embrace joy, even in the midst of their mental health issues, family struggles, and careers.

If you like romance and small town American life, then there's plenty of that sprinkled in too. I poured everything I love about life and living into my first novel. I appreciate your support as I continue to write. I have an idea for a sequel and a couple children's books in the C.S. Lewis vain.

Purchase on Amazon for paperback and Kindle, Barnes & Noble for Nook, and Apple. #NAMI #mentalhealth #Apologetics #Religion #Psychology #Richlands



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